A recap of 2013 events and conferences.
Event Date: December 9-10, 2013
Event Title: Reliability- Centered Maximo Forum 2013
Presentation Title: Asset Management as a Strategic Initiative
Location: Bonita Springs, FL
Website: http://maintenanceconference.com/maximo13/
Event Date: October 22-24, 2013
Event Title: FEFCO (European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers) Technical Seminar
Presentation Title: Waste
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Website: http://www.fefco.org/technical-seminar-2013
Event Date: June 24-27, 2013
Event Title: SAVE Value Summit 2013
Presentation Title: “VaVe and Supplier Development: Using VaVe to Help Improve the Relationship with Suppliers”
Location: Washington, DC
Website: http://www.value-eng.org/conference.php
Paper Title: “Measurement System Redesign and Innovative Data Management”
Published by & Date: i Six Sigma, February, 2013
Written by: Brad Craver
Website: www.isixsigma.com