Reducing Complexity. Increasing Profitability.
ARGO-EFESO’s multi-national team brings more than 200 years of experience working deep inside industrial manufacturing firms worldwide to lead companies through a results-focused process that improves target costs and drives sustainable performance.
In North America, Europe, Australia and Asia, ARGO-EFESO works with companies to reduce complexity, reduce costs of goods sold and improve profitability. We analyze every aspect of a company through an operational lens – carefully identifying challenges, designing solutions and getting everyone on board to implement the changes and sustain them.
Our operations consultants bring a world of experience to these areas:
- Industrial Goods
- Engineering & Machinery
- Consumer Goods
Diverse experience. Singular focus.
We have worked with pioneers, large-scale manufacturers and global leaders – a broad reach of clients and challenges across the globe:
- Goods that are made-to-stock
- Products that are made-to-order
- Preconfigured goods
- Engineered-to-order and systems manufacturing
Industrials Case Studies
Industrials Case Studies
It’s this worldwide experience across many sectors that we bring to each industrial manufacturing client engagement. Our focus is always to achieve and sustain superior levels of performance through:
- Footprint Optimization: Superior companies need to periodically scrutinize their footprint. Argo performs this kind of analysis, and defines with our clients the optimized footprint under different conditions. We also support the execution of footprint changes: from the program management perspective, cultural aspects, talent retention and re-location and process aspects.
- Supply Chain: We apply the most advanced supply chain technologies to the specific situation of every company. This includes transportation management systems, S&OP optimization, planning and scheduling, in-house milk-runs, warehouse management, pull flows, etc.
- The Production System: We are very pragmatic about implementing best business practices and only if they contribute significantly to the KPI’s of the plant. We develop a comprehensive KPI structure that drives plant performance in the critical aspects for customer satisfaction, and drives the right behavior of every person in the organization. This includes industrial engineering, KPI and data-driven decision-making and behavioral science to optimize plant performance.
- Product Portfolio: We have built our Idea-to-Value approach to increase revenue by covering white spots in the marketplaces and reduce costs of good sold. Idea-to-Value is our product portfolio optimization battery that includes Value Engineering, component standardization, open innovation and product management. This unique, systematic set of proven techniques was developed to understand and meet customer-required performance, which is translated in optimized product designs, best design for manufacturing and assembly and best sourcing decisions for each product family.
- Management Structure and Systems: Global manufacturing with global customers and a global supply chain – companies are faced with the challenge to adapt their organizational structures to changes in the global economy. To succeed, it is important to maintain a clear accountability structure. Roles and responsibilities, KPI top-down and bottom-up, decision-making all need to be aligned to drive a company forward in its strategic direction. We support the improvements of organizational structures, roles and responsibilities, processes, and key metrics and systems to ensure accountability.
Private Equity Consultants
With a presence in over 20 countries and serving the U.S., European and the Asia-Pacific markets, ARGO-EFESO’s Private Equity Practice has a solid track record. Since 1998, we have worked worldwide on deal evaluations and hundreds of portfolio company projects.
Operations Due Diligence
From our first 100 days until the deal is closed, ARGO-EFESO has the experience to identify and quantify the risks and opportunities from any area of the target company, as it relates to Operations Due Diligence.