ARGO-EFESO has a proven track record of helping leading companies across diverse industries turn innovation into a competitive advantage. We look at both the Efficiency, which refers to the volume of output, as well as the Effectiveness, which refers to the ‘Lift’, or business impact of innovation. We utilize a 7+1 approach which focuses on the 7 key elements of lean innovation plus perhaps the most important aspect; the connection between the performance of the development organization and the performance of the business.


7+1 Principles of Lean product development

Lean product development can be overwhelming. In order to simplify the concepts and break the system into manageable parts, we have defined seven key elements/principles to lean product development. We refer to these seven elements in combination with the overarching requirement of linking LPD initiatives to business results as the “7+1 principles.”

lean product development: what we have learned in the past 10 years

It has been nearly 10 years since ARGO-EFESO’s SVP Dantar Oosterwal published the The Lean Machine. Many things have changed in that time: world economies arose from recession; emerging technologies ushered in new capabilities; and innovative products and services threatened conventional business models and long-standing industrial leaders. During the decade, the process of innovation similarly evolved, and we have learned and progressed in our understanding of lean product development (LPD).

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video clips



How Harley Davidson Used Innovation to Drive Product Development


why Haldor topsoe started their lean product development journey


Haldor topsoe started discusses lpd results