Helping plants achieve step change improvements in effectiveness and efficiency using our best practices methodology
Maintenance backlog and risks continue to grow resulting in plants having to implement critical prioritization methods and processes. ARGO-EFESO has been helping clients for over 10 years to improve maintenance effectiveness and efficiency in new ways that reduce backlogs and improve asset reliability using advanced Lean Thinking concepts that improves craftsmen productivity. We bring Operations and Maintenance teams together into Team Based Cultures that achieve industry competitive performance.
Capabilities / Accelerators
- Maintenance Excellence Best Practice Implementation & Visual Scheduling
- Lean Maintenance that removes barriers for craftsmen
- Innovative Pull Based Maintenance to achieve ½ Quartile Performance
- Team Based Operations and Maintenance Organization Alignment
- Frontline leadership development and coaching
- Digital Maintenance and Connected Worker Technologies
- Experts in leveraging CMMS systems to make work visible and digital for front-line craftsmen fulfillment
Typical Results for Clients
- 15% to 67% Reduction in Backlogs
- 12% to 31% Reduction in Maintenance Cost per Barrel
- 15 to 42% Improvement in Maintenance Efficiency